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Monologues: TBD
Scenes: TBD
La Revue – a chance for the students to perform for an audience
Revue sign-up


To participate, students must sign up with their name, school, and level on the Google Doc sign-up sheets posted after registration has closed. Do not wait until the last moment to sign up.

The day of the event, students should be outside the door fully costumed and ready to perform at least 2 minutes before their time slot.


An individual or a group of 2-5 students may choose a monologue or a scene from a French play, edit their chosen selection with the help of their instructor, and perform their scene for the judges.

  • Props and costumes are encouraged.
  • Emphasis should be on the quality of the acting and the French spoken by all participants.
  • Scenes or monologues must be memorized and should be acted out dramatically with an emphasis on the quality of French.
  • Monologues and scenes must not exceed 4 minutes in length.

Limits: each school is limited to ONE monologue and TWO scenes.

It is strongly recommended that participating students be at Level 2 or higher.

The two categories will be judged separately.

Content must meet BYU standards. No sexual content or innuendo, immodest clothing, swearing, vulgarity, etc.

Judging Criteria for Monologues and Scenes:

Exceptionnel:The winner of the contest after a final judging. Superb pronunciation and liasons, exceptionally effective dramatic expression and gestures.
Mention Spéciale:Nearly flawless; spontaneous; exceptional performance that demonstrates creativity. Clearly superior in pronunciation, feeling, expression and gestures. Students use inflection that shows feeling and enthusiasm for their scene. Smooth overall ensemble without cues needed.
Excellent:Little hesitation; good but not superior pronunciation and expression; correct liasons, but performance lacks the spark of deeply involved understanding and dramatic physical presentation. Slight awkwardness in coordination, but no major interruptions.
Très Bien:Some hesitation; fair pronunciation; most liasons correct; some drama. 1 or 2 cues needed; some mistakes.
Bien:Halting; quite a few pronunciation problems; some inappropriate liasons; only fair dramatic expression. Little feeling or enthusiasm; looking ensemble coordination; 3 or more cues needed.
Assez Bien:Poor pronunciation; difficult to understand; inappropriate liasons; dramatic expression lacking or poor.