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There are a number of activities provided for students to interact individually with university students and francophone natives. They must speak in French at these activities.

La douane
Teachers neeed to bring a check from the school, or a personal check to cover the entry of $4.00 per student. In addition to receiving a passport, students may be asked to say who they are, where they are from, and the purpose and length of their stay in “France.”

The students will have the chance to play Bingo in French and receive a small prize when they win.

Les festivals de films
Students will watch a clip of a recent film or two. Volunteers will be chosen to be interviewed with brief questions about what transpired during the film clip. Those giving correct answers will receive candy prizes. One or two may volunteer to act as assistant interrogators and will receive double candy prizes.

Le magasin de vêtements
Students can ask the vendors questions and prices of clothing as they look through French clothing catalogs and place an order for items of their choice. The can also pose for pictures in stunning French fashions. They will be able to email these pictures to themselves.

Students will reserve a room or rooms with various amenities.

La pharmacie
Students will go to a pharmacy to obtain candy “medicine” for their ailments as described by the students to the pharmacists.

La gare
Students will make travel arrangements to various destinations. A train ticket will be issued to them. They will be required to write the price of the ticket in their passport to ‘pay’ for it.

La guillotine
Students can step back in time to the 18th century and (with modern technology) have an instant picture taken of themselves with Mme La Guillotine. Students will be able to email these photos to themselves.

La pâtisserie
A variety of wonderful, delicious French pastries will be sold. The vendeurs will ask the students what they would like – they have to respond in French.

La poste
Students will receive a postcard that they can write to themselves or to their friends (in French, of course). If properly and legibly addressed, they can drop the postcard off in the “Boîte aux lettres” and we will mail them. Students can also elect to take their postcard home with them.

Le magasin de souvenirs
A variety of French related souvenirs, posters, pens, buttons, t-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, etc. will be available for purchase.

Le music-hall, feat. Focus on la Francophonie
Le music-hall will be playing music and videos from the region or country spotlighted in Focus on la Francophonie. A number of the winners from BYU’s “French Idol” will also perform. This is a wonderful way to encounter the spotlighted culture and hear some great performances.

La prison
In an effort to get the students to stay in the language the entire time they are at BYU, we will have one “prison” and an abundance of “spies” and “policemen.” Anyone caught speaking English will have to spend 10 minutes in our jail; he / she can be released before that time by answering correctly several questions about themselves in French.

Les Examens
These exams are for students to take “just for fun” to see where they rank. Tests are available in grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, culture, and honors. The exams are very short, multiple choice, and will be computer administered and graded immediately. The culture exam is loosely based on questions similar to those given in the Language Bowl. The Junior High/Middle School version is given in English while the Senior High version is given in French. The highest scorer in each level in each exam will be awarded a certificate. Exams are for students only; no teachers are allowed to take an examination. Students can take only one exam.

Placement Tests
Anyone planning to attend BYU can take the computer adaptive test which takes about 20 minutes. Results are available immediately and will indicate the BYU class in which to enroll. Students should go to room 1131 JFSB to take the test.