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What is the French Language Fair?

The French Language Fair is a unique, fun, and valuable educational experience for junior high and high school students of French. Featuring more than 25 contests and activities, the Fair is designed to support the efforts of our Utah French teachers by offering their students a singular opportunity to practice the language skills they are working to develop in a variety of new and engaging situations.

The Fair also offer teachers from across the state a rare opportunity to meet colleagues, share ideas, and enjoy a day of French-themed, educational activities with their students.

Who organizes the French Fair?

For more than 25 years, the BYU Department of French and Italian has organized the French Language Fair with the help of faculty and staff from across the College of Humanities – not to mention dozens of enthusiastic BYU French student volunteers. All who work on the French Fair, faculty, staff, and students alike, volunteer their time and BYU donates the use of the facilities as a form of public outreach. So, 100% of the money collected through attendance charges and sales at the Fair go to fund the French Fair. Another question you might ask then is: why do we organize this event every year? We do it because, like you, we believe that language education in junior high and high school is essential!

Who can come?

Junior High/Middle School and High School teachers can bring students at every level, from 1-6 years of French experience. Francophone natives are invited to participate as volunteers but not as contestants.

Due to limited space and the popularity of the fair, teachers are limited to 30 students, each of whom is encouraged to participate in one of the events offered by the Fair. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Mme Petelo with questions.

When is the French Fair?

Every year in the third week of April. The 2020 Fair will be held on:Thursday, April 16 from 8:00 AM to noon.

Where is the Fair held?

In the basement of the Joseph Fielding Smith Building (JFSB) on BYU Campus. (MAP)

Is there a fee to attend?

The charge is $4.00 per student.

Payment must be received by April 10. There is no cost for teachers. There are no refunds for “no-shows.”

Contests & Awards

Contestants in individual and group competitions will be judged according to the criteria listed on the pages for those events. The most outstanding students or groups in each competition will be recognized in the appropriate awards assembly (either Junior High/Middle School or High School). Personalized certificates will be sent to the schools after the event for teachers to distribute in class.

Each student is allowed and encouraged to participate in only one contest during the fair (with the exception of the exams, as those are drop-in instead of scheduled).

The awards assemblies will take place at 11:30 a.m., location TBD.

Senior High School Awards CeremonyJunior High/Middle School Awards Ceremony