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Academic Posters

Learning Outcomes

Students are encouraged to create and submit academic posters that illustrate the theme chosen for each year’s competition. Competing students will be required to present their work to the judges with a short (one to two minute) spoken presentation in French. The presentation should be prepared ahead of time and does not have to be memorized.

This year’s theme: The many landscapes of La Francophonie.

Academic posters provide a means of visually communicating researched information with an emphasis on effective communication and aesthetics – think of it as a visual research paper. There are a number of online resources to help students create their posters, but here is a good, concise definition of what we mean by academic poster.


  1. Each school can submit up to two posters.
  2. Posters must be brought the morning of the Language Fair. We cannot store posters before or after the fair.
  3. Content must meet BYU standards. No sexual content or innuendo, immodest clothing, swearing, vulgarity, etc.

Judging Criteria

40% – Illustration of the theme
40% – Effective communication of ideas
20% – Oral presentation




Teachers will register students for a time to formally present their work to the judges. The registration will be made available online prior to the Fair.