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Students will prepare and deliver a 3-5 minute speech on a topic that will be given at the fair.
Limit: 2 students per school per level.

  • The topic will be announced at 9:00 AM in the room where the students will prepare their speeches.
  • Competing students will have 30 minutes to prepare their speeches.
  • Speeches can be delivered verbatim or from notes.
  • Students may bring reference works (e.g. French-English dictionary) with them.
    • No electronic resources will be permitted.
  • Paper and pens will be provided.
  • Students’ notes will be collected at the end of the preparation time and returned no more than 5 minutes before their scheduled time to deliver their speech.

Below are some sample topics:

  • The value of travel as part of learning a foreign language.
  • Travel vs. social media/technology: how to best discover a foreign culture?
  • Learning a foreign language and discovering a new culture: does it always happen at the same time?

Judging Criteria for Discours:

Exceptionnel:The best speech, chosen from among those receiving Mention Spéciale. Spontaneous and superior speech with little hesitation, excellent pronunciation, few errors, sentence structure variety, connecting phrases and words as well as interesting content & vocabulary.
Mention Spéciale:Spontaneous and superior speech with little hesitation, excellent pronunciation, few errors, sentence structure variety, connecting phrases and words as well as interesting content & vocabulary.
Excellent:Some spontaneity and good speech with little hesitation. Good pronunciation. Few errors. Sentence structure variety, connecting phrases and words as well as interesting content & vocabulary.
Très Bien:

Good, intelligible, but not superior pronunciation and content; some structural and vocabulary variety, but mostly standard words and

simple sentences. More than a few errors, but not frequent.

Bien:Frequent errors, but still manages to communicate the main ideas.
Assez Bien:Halting; excessive errors, difficult to understand.