Culture Bowl
Eligible Teams
Only one team can represent each school. Within the competition there are two levels: High school and Junior High/Middle School. Each team will have four team members: a captain and three other players. Culture Bowl team members should not be registered to participate in other competitions because of scheduling difficulties.
Competition Format and Procedures
- The Culture Bowl is a single-elimination, tournament organized in a bracket.
- Each team must be pre-registered and no team will be eligible for the competition that has not pre-registered.
- The competition will consist of a series of matches.
- Two teams will participate in each match.
- The winning team will go on to the next round.
- The losing team will drop out and receive its ranking: round 1 will receive “Bien”; round 2, “Très Bien”; round 3, “Excellent”; round 4, “Mention Spéciale”; and the runner-up, “Exceptionnel.”
- Each match will last 5 minutes or until a certain number of questions have been asked.
- Before each match begins, a team chart must be filled out and submitted to the officials before the match begins out:
- Team charts may be picked up outside the contest area.
- Each team should be ready to enter the contest room two minutes before their match is scheduled to begin.
- If a team is not at the contest room at the time the match is scheduled to begin, they will forfeit the match.
- After each match, the winner will be slated for the next round according to the posted schedule.
- The schedule will be posted outside the competition rooms.
- No spectators, teachers, coaches, friends, enemies, etc. are allowed in the contest rooms during the matches.
Match Rules
- The first student to buzz in will have the first chance to answer the question.
- A correct answer will earn 10 points.
- An incorrect answer will lose 10 points and give the opposing team an opportunity to answer the same question for 5 points.
- No match will end in a tie.
- In case of a tie during the last 30 seconds of the match, a tie-breaker round will be held with questions NOT taken from the cards.
- Each team will be asked a question.
- If one team answers correctly, and the other team incorrectly, then the match is over.
- If both teams answer correctly or incorrectly, then both teams will be asked additional questions until a team has won by one point.
Questions Used:
General topics for the Culture Bowl are 1) culture (food & drink, sports/arts, life, and famous people), 2) history, 3) geography.
Questions for this year’s tournament will be drawn from the following sources:
- Teacher’s Discovery French Cultural Trivia Game (now available in digital format)
- Wikipedia: New Caledonia
- Basic information about officially Francophone countries, such as: capital, general location, relative size / population. Find a list of Francophone countries here.
Judges rulings are final. If a team loses, they should take their score sheet to the certificate table where they will be given the recognition by the Certificate Writers.
Note important addition: Any complaints must be lodged immediately following the match by the team captain. An arbitrator will give an immediate and final judgment on any questions.